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отели хосты на берегу моря с бассейном
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On each party one is used new шплинт , one internal and one external bearing, and also a sealing ring. Lift and fix the car. Dismantle brake disks (the head of the Brake ), for this purpose dismantle a support. Remove a cap for greasing of the wheel bearing. Straighten safety шплинт and take out it. Remove a stopper корончатой nuts and unscrew шестигранную a nut. Remove a press washer and the external wheel bearing. Wring out behind in the middle of a wheel nave a sealing ring, take out the bearing and wipe in a nave old greasing. Rotating rings of both bearings take out from the middle of a nave of a wheel. For this purpose put from the different parties from within a brass core to a rotating ring and soft blows of a hammer beat out it outside. Track that the ring was not bent. Establish on a wheel nave a new ring of the bearing. For protection put from above an old ring of the bearing (the thick party downwards) that at cautious driving in there was no damage on a working surface of the new bearing. Hammer all rings of bearings against the stop. Now again take out all old rings of bearings put for protection. Fill with greasing intermediate space between both rings of the bearing, and also a ring and bearings. Insert the internal bearing. In regular intervals hammer with a rubber hammer a sealing ring on an inside. Pull a wheel nave over the axis end. Put on the external wheel bearing and a press washer. Manually screw шестигранную a nut on the axis end; thus constantly turn a wheel that the bearing was not bent. Adjust the wheel bearing (the following section see). Establish a brake disk and a support (the head of the Brake ). Then some times press a brake pedal.

4 место достается фильму, снятому в США Ползком от гангстеров . Фильм имеет второе название Младенец на прогулке. Вышел на экраны в 2005 году. Роли исполняют Джо Мантенья, Лара Флимм Бойл, Брайн Хейли и другие. Как известно за маленькими детьми очень трудно уследить. Малыш Бинк, сбежал от своих родителей и пошел изучать город самостоятельно. Родители сбились с ног в его поисках и назначили премию тому кто его найдет. Про это узнают гангстеры и решают завладеть деньгами.